Welcome to the new web enabled National Eclampsia registry
( FOGSI – ICOG initiative )

Your participation in this initiative is highly encouraging for us. We herewith declare that the confidentiality and security of the data is maintained at highest level.

Here are the steps to participate in registry

Step 1 >> Registration:

For registration, you have to click the “Register” on home page of http://www.ner-fogsi.inor simply click / copy this link http://www.ner-fogsi.in/register.php to your browser. The information requested in this form is very important for us for future communication. After submission of form you will receive confirmatory mail on your email id. After verification of the information the Web administrator will enable the access of registry to your login within 24 hours. This is the first important step towards data security and stopping unwanted access. After verification you can access the registry with your name / email id and the password.

Step 2 >> Monthly Data form:

On logging the first window is reminder to fill the monthly data every first week of every month. Please click OK to proceed. The information in this form is very important from cumulative as well as geographic analysis purpose. Information about server SEVERE PRE-ECLAMPSIA is provided in “Help”. Please do not make blank entry, enter zero(0) wherever information is not available or not applicable. Please click “Submit” to save the information.

Step 3 >> Case Form:

Information about patient can be entered through the “Case Form”, available in right pan of window. The information is distributed in three different tabs viz .Patient Identification Data, Clinical Condition on admission and Pregnancy Outcome. Please click “Submit” to save the information.

Step 4 >> Historical Data:

Historical data of Case form is available on clicking “My cases”. Please select the patient name for verification / editing of data.

If you have any problem entering data or you have any suggestions please write to guptehospital@gmail.com . Your feedback is valuable for us.